LG, which boasts a long history, leaps to the 21st century.
We exceedthe expectations with innovative product and services becoming a leading global company.
We offer innovative solution to make our days better, easier and happier.

We continues to grow while providing value for a better life based on innovation.
Explore how we change our lives better
Our ethical corporate culture is based on ‘Jeongdo’ which translates to ‘the right way’.
We provide the equal opportunities and treatment in every relationship we interact.
Who are the "Right People“?
We maintain our high standards of excellence by identifying, hiring, and retaining the "Right People".
Challenge SeekerChallenge-seekers following their dreams with the creativity and drive to perform at the highest level.
Creative Team PlayerTeamplayers committed and enthusiastic team players who inspires work &team.
Constant InnovatorConstant innovators who put customers first. Keen thinkers who are armed with both professionalism and a desire to take an active role on the global stage.
People with IntegrityPeople with integrity who value the LG Way to enable capability development and fair competition.
Bring your passion, talent, and thinking from outside the box.
We take initiatives and inspire one another.
With a great team, every challenges and opportunities becomes something for the future innovation